The Power of Thanksgiving


Surveying world events – economic, political, environmental – can become depressing. It is easy to overlook the good things happening and the countless reasons for being grateful.

At this time of year, many cultures and spiritual traditions remind us of the importance of appreciating life’s blessings. Research has shown that feeling gratitude lowers stress, enhances physical and emotional well-being and leads to greater life satisfaction. Positive thoughts are uplifting and lead us to recognize the abundance and benevolence around us. The natural inclination, for many, is to focus on problems and take good things for granted.

Yet even our problems can be viewed in a different light if we take a different view. People who annoy us, for example, are often a true gift. They teach us things we might otherwise disregard by mirroring back unflattering traits we need to see in our selves. We attract people who vibrate at the same frequency and who often have similar traits we might prefer to ignore. Someone who irritates us may simply be highlighting where our real work lies. In Carlos Castaneda’s books “petty tyrants” are considered to be our greatest teachers. It behooves us to see every encounter and experience as a gift.

To change negative thoughts to life affirming ones, try the following:

Maintain a gratitude journal; what are you grateful for today

Appreciate what you have rather than focusing on what is lacking

Be generous with your praise and affection for others; what goes around comes around

Go easy on yourself; no one is perfect

View all circumstances and events as learning experiences

Think of all the things you are grateful for before you go to bed and upon arising in the morning.

Give thanks for your family and friends and acquaintances; you are connected for a reason

Give thanks for the abundance in your life – both mundane and sacred

Give thanks for the natural beauty that surrounds us

Give thanks for those who mentor us and serve as role models

Give thanks to those who forgive our mistakes

Give thanks for the opportunity to contribute to life

Give thanks for the chance to learn, grow and evolve

Give thanks for the opportunity to make mistakes so learning is accelerated

Give thanks for those who watch over and guide us

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice." – Meister Eckhart

David Schwerin

David Schwerin holds an MBA in finance and a Ph.D. in religious studies and ran his own investment company for many years before becoming an international author and speaker (Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity, 1998 and Conscious Globalism: What’s wrong with the world and how to fix it, 2005).  





Forgive Every Body

Living in a body is like being in an air bubble; it appears as if we are all separate. This illusion of autonomy causes us to forget the laws of life. The fear of being separated from our source provokes defensive attitudes and negative responses to life’s challenges. We make poor choices that negatively impact our personal lives and relationships. How do we find the courage, wisdom and humility to forgive ourselves and others?

We need to understand the motivation for the inappropriate choices we have made before our compassion and self-love can grow. We need to see that we did the best we could given our experiences, education and conditioning. Our past behavior seemed safe and appropriate at the time. It takes practice to learn how we don’t want to be. Mistakes, painful as they are, are great at increasing awareness, revealing imperfections and speeding our development. We are much more than a physical body housing an evolving consciousness. Even when we behave inappropriately, our true essence is guiltless and lovable. Realizing this enables us to be gentle with ourselves and others.

Forgiveness is a choice

We must make a conscious decision to relinquish resentments and let go of the desire for revenge. Forgiveness releases the forgiven from any debt but it does not condone unacceptable behavior. As we realize how similar we are to those who hurt us, forgiving becomes easier.  A person’s fear, blame and ignorance is a result of their struggle to get acknowledgement and love. This realization opens our heart and increases our understanding. We can choose to hold on to the wounds of our past or we can release them and live in the present. Resentment and anger are debilitating; forgiveness is a gift we choose to give ourselves.

Forgiveness is a process

We must continually be conscious of our conditioned reactions and commit to learn from our errors. Like any new skill, forgiving someone is awkward. Someone may have hurt us badly; whether we stay hurt is up to us. Old hurts come to the surface to be seen, felt and released. When asked if he could ever forgive the Chinese for their occupation of Tibet, the Dalai Lama is reported to have said, “They’ve already taken my country. Why should I let them have my mind, too?”

Forgiveness is living in truth

Judgment and blame must be relinquished so that we can take personal responsibility for our behavior. Telling someone how their behavior hurt us and respectfully listening to their response can create a climate for fruitful dialogue.  It takes courage to risk having our feelings known and possibly rejected. The payoff is that hearts can be opened, attitudes changed and relationships enriched. By remembering that all bodies are part of one body, forgiveness becomes the natural response to life's dramas.

As the Pathwork Guide says in PGL #9: “Understand that not forgiving burdens you, makes you unhappy, blocks the light and freedom that you desire. Not forgiving harms you much more than it harms those whom you cannot forgive.”

Download the flyer for the fundraising workshop on forgiveness in August

To read PGL #9 and other lectures, go to

To learn more about David and view his other writings, visit

David Schwerin

David Schwerin

David Schwerin holds an MBA in finance and a Ph.D. in religious studies and ran his own investment company for many years before becoming an international author and speaker (Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity, 1998 and Conscious Globalism: What’s wrong with the world and how to fix it, 2005).  The following article on forgiveness by David was first published in the Times of India, August 11, 2013 as “Air Bubbles.”